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Programs : Featured

This is a listing of all the featured programs in the program catalog. You can view the brochure for any of these programs by clicking on the program name.
Featured Programs
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Chemistry of Food and Drink of Greece, CHEM270 Athens, Greece; Thessaloniki, Greece
Terms: Spring Break-Course Description: Travel to Greece as required part of CHEM270.
City University of Hong Kong-Global E3 Hong Kong, China
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong, CHINA University Info   |   College of Engineering   |   Exchange Student Info Fast Facts City University of Hong Kong integrates science and engineering under a single roof. is [...]
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Comillas Pontifical University Madrid, Spain
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: Comillas has a style of its own. Located in Madrid, Spain, it offers students an excellent opportunity for personal, professional, and social development.
DTU-Technical University of Denmark-Global E3 Lyngby, Denmark
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Copenhagen (Lyngby), DENMARK University Info   |   Exchange Student Info Fast Facts Denmark’s first driverless bus is currently roaming around the DTU campus, and will eventually be come[...]
ENSEA-Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l’Electronique et de ses Applications-Global E3 Cergy-Pontoise, France
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l'Electronique et de ses Applications (ENSEA)  Cergy-Pontoise, FRANCE University Info   |   International Student Info Fast Facts One of the renowned public French "Ecole d& #39;Ingénieur." Lectures,[...]
Esslingen University of Applied Sciences Esslingen, Germany
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring Description:          Engineering, economics and management, social and nursing sciences make up the pillars of teaching at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences. Around 5,977 students are enrolled in 11 faculties, offering a to tal[...]
HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences-Global E3 Munich, Germany
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: HM Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences Munich, GERMANY University Info   |   Exchange Student Info Fast Facts Career success: HM always scores well in employer rankings because our students gain a practical unde rstanding[...]
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences-Global E3 Hamburg, Germany
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: Hamburg University of Applied Sciences Hamburg, Germany University Info   |   International Student Info Faculties with Programmes in Engineering Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science Faculty of Life Sciences Fast Fa cts 60%[...]
Hanyang University-Global E3 Seoul, South Korea
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: Hanyang University Seoul Campus – Seoul, SOUTH KOREA ERICA Campus – Ansan, SOUTH KOREA University Info   |   Exchange Student Info  Fast Facts Hanyang University is the first engineering school in Korea and [...]
Hong Kong Polytechnic University-Global E3 Hong Kong, China
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong, CHINA University Info   |   Faculty of Engineering Info   |   Faculty of Construction and Environment   |   Exchange Student Info Fast Facts East [...]
IAU-Barcelona-Summer Barcelona, Spain
Terms: Summer Description:
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ICAI-SAPIENS Comillas Summer Program Madrid, Spain
Terms: Summer Description:
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INSA Lyon-Institut National des Sciences Appliquées-Global E3 Lyon, France
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: Institut National des Sciences Appliquées, Lyon (INSA Lyon) Lyon, FRANCE  University Info   |   Exchange Student Info Fast Facts HIGH QUALITY AND INNOVATIVE EDUCATION Pedagogy by project Cutting-edge researc h Strong[...]
Institut Teknologi Bandung-Global E3 Bandung, Indonesia
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: Institut Teknologi Bandung Bandung, West Java, INDONESIA  University Info   |   Exchange Student Info  Introduction Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) is a 29-hectare campus located in the northern area of the city of [...]
Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires-Global E3 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA University Info   |   Exchange Student Info Fast Facts Student union: Manages different kinds of activities - sports, social welfare activities, extra [...]
International Computer Science-Ulm University of Applied Sciences-Undergraduate Dual Degree Ulm, Germany
Terms: Academic Year Description:
KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology-Global E3 Daejeon, South Korea
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) Daejeon, Republic of Korea 800x600 University Info   |   College of Engineering   |   Exchange Student Info Fast Facts KAIST is the first [...]
KIT- Summer Research Kanazawa, Japan
Terms: Summer Description:
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KU Leuven-Global E3 Leuven, Belgium
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: KU Leuven (University of Leuven) Leuven, BELGIUM University Info   |   Exchange Student Info Fast Facts Leuven is the oldest (from 1425 !) and largest Belgian university, offering top research-based education in all disciplin es[...]
Kanazawa Institute of Technology - Summer JLP Kanazawa, Japan
Terms: Summer Description:            
Khalifa University of Science and Technology-Global E3 Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Terms: Academic Year, Fall Description:
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Leeds International Summer School Leeds, United Kingdom
Terms: Summer Description:
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Lund University-Global E3 Lund, Sweden
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: Lund University LTH - Faculty of Engineering Lund, SWEDEN University Info   |   Faculty of Engineering Info   |   Exchange Student Info Fast Facts The continuous inkjet technology was developed, making it [...]
Nanyang Technical University Gem Trailblazer Summer Singapore, Singapore
Terms: Summer Description:
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Nanyang Technological University-Global E3 Singapore, Singapore
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: Nanyang Technological University Singapore University Info   |   College of Engineering Info   |   Exchange Student Info Fast Facts Fastest-rising university in the world’s top 50; ranked 13th in the wo rld* Ranked[...]
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg Magdeburg, Germany
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring, Summer Description:         Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg was founded in 1993 and is one of Germany’s newest universities. It was formed by a merger of the existing Technical University, the Teacher Training College, and the Medical [...]
Otto von Guerike Universitat Magdeburg - International Summer School for German Culture and Language Magdeburg, Germany
Terms: Summer Description:
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Politecnico di Milano-Global E3 Milan, Italy
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: Politecnico di Milano Milan, ITALY University Info   |   Exchange Student Info Fast Facts QS Ranking 2020 by Subject – ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY: 20th in the World, 7th in Europe, 1st in Italy QS Ranking 2020 b y[...]
Sophia University Tokyo, Japan
Terms: Spring Description:
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Sophia University-Summer 3 week Tokyo, Japan
Terms: Summer Description:
TU Darmstadt Darmstadt, Germany
Terms: Fall, Spring Description:
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TU Darmstadt ADP (Chemical Engineering Seniors) Darmstadt, Germany
Terms: Spring Description: The project course emphasizes development of professional skills through teamwork and design skills through application.
TU Darmstadt INSPIRED (International Project Week for Interdisciplinary Research-Oriented Digital Learning) Darmstadt, Germany
Terms: Summer Description:
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TU Darmstadt IREP-(International Research Experience Program) Darmstadt, Germany
Terms: Fall, Spring, Summer Description:
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TU Darmstadt International Summer University Darmstadt, Germany
Terms: Summer Description:
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Tecnológico de Monterrey-Global E3 Monterrey, Mexico
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: Tecnológico de Monterrey Monterrey, MEXICO Monterrey Campus Info   |   International Student Info This information in this brochure focuses on the Monterrey Campus. However, Global E3 students may also apply to any of T ec[...]
Tohoku University Global E3 Sendai, Japan
Terms: Fall, Spring Description:
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Tohoku University-Summer Sendai, Japan
Terms: Summer Description:
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Ulm University of Applied Sciences for CSSE and EE Majors Ulm, Germany
Terms: Fall, Spring Description:              The International Engineering Programs (IEP) are offered by the Hochschule Ulm (Ulm University of Applied Sciences) to international students. The programs run for three months and are taught i n[...]
Ulm University of Applied Sciences for ME Majors Ulm, Germany
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring Description:   The International Engineering Programs (IEP) are offered by the Hochschule Ulm (Ulm University of Applied Sciences) to international students. The programs run for three months and are taught in English. They offer a variety of different [...]
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid-Summer Madrid, Spain
Terms: Summer Description:
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Universidad Politécnica de Madrid-Global E3 Madrid, Spain
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Madrid, SPAIN University Info   |   International Student Info Fast Facts Universidad Politécnica de Madrid offers higher education in all fields of engineering. is the world& rsquo;s[...]
Universidad de los Andes-Global E3 Bogota, Colombia
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: Universidad de los Andes  Bogotá,COLUMBIA University Info   |   Faculty of Engineering Info   |   International Student Info & Handbook Fast Facts Ranked first in Colombia and seventh best [...]
Universiti Teknologi Petronas-Global E3 Bandar Seri Iskandar, Malaysia
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: Universiti Teknologi Petronas Bandar Seri Iskandar, Tronoh, Perak, MALAYSIA University Info   |   Exchange Student Info Introduction Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) was established on January 10, 1997 when PETRONAS was in vited[...]
University of Aizu Aizuwakamatsu, Japan
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter Description:      Located in the city of Aizu-wakamatsu, the University of Aizu (UoA) specializes in computer science and software engineering curriculum. Students from Rose-Hulman may stay at UoA for three months and complete a term in gradua te[...]
University of Canterbury-Global E3 Christchurch, New Zealand
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring Description:
University of Leeds-Global E3 Leeds, United Kingdom
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring Description: University of Leeds Leeds, England, UNITED KINGDOM University Info   |   Faculty of Engineering Info   |   Exchange Student Info Fast Facts The University of Leeds is The Times and The Sunday Times University [...]
University of Limerick - Civil Engineering Limerick, Ireland
Terms: Fall Description:  
University of Melbourne - Global E3 Melbourne, Australia
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: University of Melbourne Melbourne, AUSTRALIA University Info   |   School of Engineering Info   |   Exchange Student Info Fast Facts #1 university in Australia, #31 in the world (Times Higher Education Wo rld[...]
University of New South Wales-Global E3 Sydney, Australia
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: University of New South Wales Sydney, AUSTRALIA  University Info   |   Faculty of Engineering Info   |   Exchange Student Info Fast Facts The UNSW Faculty of Engineering is the largest in Australia and offers [...]
University of Newcastle-Global E3 Callaghan, Australia
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: University of Newcastle Newcastle, AUSTRALIA University Info   |   School of Engineering Info   |   Exchange Student Info Fast Facts Top 50 in the World for Architecture and Built Environment Newcastle i s[...]
University of Sheffield-Global E3 Sheffield, United Kingdom
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: University of Sheffield Sheffield, England, UNITED KINGDOM University Info   |   Faculty of Engineering Info   |   Exchange Student Info Fact Facts University of Sheffield is an international leader in teachi ng[...]
University of Stuttgart Stuttgart, Germany
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring Description: The University of Stuttgart is situated in the middle of a highly dynamic economic region with a worldwide reputation for excellence in the fields of mobile and information technology, production, process engineering, and life sciences. The Universit y[...]
University of Stuttgart - Summer University Stuttgart, Germany
Terms: Summer Description:
University of Twente-Global E3 Enschede, Netherlands
Terms: Academic Year, Fall, Spring Description: University of Twente  Enschede, THE NETHERLANDS University Info   |  Exchange Student Info Schools of Engineering Faculty of Engineering Technology Faculty of Science and Technology Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematic s[...]
Université de Technologie de Troyes-Global E3 Troyes, France
Terms: Fall, Spring Description: Université de Technologie de Troyes (UTT) Troyes, FRANCE University Info   |   Exchange Student Info Fast Facts Times Higher Education World University: 801-1000 Laboratory research opportunities under tutored supervision [...]